
How early careerists can boost their prospects through networking

Date Posted: 04 June 2018 How early careerists can boost their prospects through networking

While it takes hard work and commitment to rise to the top of your game, few careers unfold exactly to plan: instead, they are shaped by chance encounters with key connections. Even those who claim to be self-made will have relationship building to thank for their success. With this in mind, active networking is an essential element to any successful career strategy.

Despite this, many ambitious professionals often shy away from striking up the conversations that will propel their careers forward. Meanwhile, those who take every opportunity to make themselves known often enjoy a boost in the right direction: up.

If you’re a true careerist and your sights are firmly set on the top rung of the corporate ladder, a diverse network of useful contacts could just be your silver bullet.

Raising your profile

Those looking to get ahead of the competition won’t sit at their computer wondering why a particular professional didn’t accept their connection request. Instead, they will be making their presence known at networking events, brushing shoulders with major players in the industry.

If you are to boost your career prospects, you have to establish yourself as a familiar face; you must constantly focus on raising your profile and staying front of mind to those who matter. That way, should an opportunity arise within their network, you’ll be the first to know.

Capitalising on opportunities

Rome wasn’t built in a day: if you are to start growing your network and leveraging your connections, you must take advantage of every opportunity to mix and mingle with the right people.

Some networking events may be sector specific, but the Cardiff business events calendar is usually brimming with conferences, workshops and meet-ups focused on professional development and career building.

In May, for example, we hosted an exciting event named ‘Rising Stars’ aimed at the next generation of business leaders in Cardiff. As well as meeting likeminded individuals from a range of industries, younger members of the business community gained an insight into Cardiff Business Club and how it could help their career. 

Remember, you won’t know who or what is waiting around the corner until you go looking. If you do nothing, nothing will happen.

Nurturing your network

The relationships you build throughout your professional life aren’t trophies on a shelf, they are people who hold potential to push your career forward.

Never underestimate the power of relationship building and don’t let your connections collect dust. Consider ex-colleagues from previous jobs: some may have moved on to work for other companies and be able to put you in touch with senior management. Alternatively, clients of a former employer may know of an opportunity that would suit you perfectly. Even those you only met briefly at a networking event, could be close with someone you could benefit from meeting.

If you have never been to one of the events run each month by Cardiff Business Club, let us know. We’re more than happy to meet with you when you come and can introduce you to a few people to get you started.

